Part Number Description
NCS1K2-LIC-SYS-KIT NCS 1002 500G Licensed Starter Kit Assemble to order
NCS1K-LIC-UPG NCS 1002 License - Upgrade Bundle
NCS1K2-LIC-SYS-AC NCS1002 Licensed AC Assemble To Order
NCS1K2-LIC-SYS-DC NCS1002 Licensed DC Assemble To Order
E-NCS1K-LIC-250G NCS1K Electronic License - one slice with 200G/250G DWDM
NCS1K-LIC-QSFP NCS1K License - one QSFP port
NCS1K-LIC-QSFP= NCS1K License - one QSFP port
S-NCS1K-LIC-200G NCS1K Smart License - one slice with 200G DWDM
S-NCS1K-LIC-250G NCS1K Smart License - one slice with 200G/250G DWDM
S-NCS1K-LIC-ENCR NCS1K Smart License - one slice with encryption
S-NCS1K-LIC-ST NCS1K Smart License - streaming telemetry
E-NCS1K4-LIC-100G= NCS1K4 electronic license - one QSFP28 client
E-NCS1K4-LIC-100G NCS1K4 electronic license - one QSFP28 client
E-NCS1K4-LIC-100X NCS1K4 electronic license -one QSFP28 client with encryption
E-NCS1K4-LIC-100X= NCS1K4 electronic license -one QSFP28 client with encryption
S-NCS1K4-LIC-100G NCS1K4 smart license - one QSFP28 client
S-NCS1K4-LIC-100G= NCS1K4 smart license - one QSFP28 client
S-NCS1K4-LIC-100X NCS1K4 smart license - one QSFP28 client with encryption
S-NCS1K4-LIC-100X= NCS1K4 smart license - one QSFP28 client with encryption